Can't find where the settings are for these boxes in SKS 11
Published on April 4, 2024 By Jan Oscar In WindowBlinds

I can't find where the size settings are for these "progress boxes" in SKS 11. As you can see from the screenshot, for some skins the content is cut off and a scrollbar added that makes them a pain to use. Anyone?

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on Apr 04, 2024

Been that way for many years Jan and no one fixed it, probably because it cannot be fixed due to good old Microsoft.

It is due to the size of the frames, if they are larger than the operating system ones, then this occurs.

on Apr 04, 2024


if they are larger than the operating system ones, then this occurs.
I don't think that's the case, Tom. These two large frames work as expected (probably  a couple of the largest frames around), but not the much smaller one at the bottom of this screenie:




on Apr 04, 2024

To me it looks like there is a setting somewhere defining the minimum hight of the left & right frame borders or something like that. I just don't know where to find it.

on Apr 04, 2024

Jan Oscar

To me it looks like there is a setting somewhere defining the minimum hight of the left & right frame borders or something like that. I just don't know where to find it.

Well I hope someone knows and can help then Jan, I'd like to know too.

on Apr 04, 2024

Sorry to hear you are having issues. Please list some skins, preferably, those that come with Windowblinds or free to download from Wincustomize, so I can test it out on my system.

Thank you.
Stardock Community Assistant.

on Apr 04, 2024

Perhaps in SkinStudio where it says Edit title bars and window frames?

Perhaps extra settings or Code Editor on the very bottom of the app? I'm just quessing here. This would be a great question for Neone6 to answer!   

on Apr 05, 2024

Please list some skins, preferably, those that come with Windowblinds or free to download from Wincustomize, so I can test it out on my system.
It does not happen with the default skins, but you can just try with a couple of the latest by Lightstar:  Meta or Sectors


on Apr 05, 2024

Just to confirm these is on Windows 10, yes?

Thank you,

Stardock Community Assistant

on Apr 05, 2024

Just to confirm these is on Windows 10, yes?

Windows 22H2 19045.4239
WB 11.02

on Apr 05, 2024

I think it something to do with the bottom frame vertical size. I changed the bottom frame with a shorter in vertical size graphics just as a test. And the issue seem went away.

Thank you,

Stardock Community Assistant

on Apr 05, 2024

I have tried that with no effect or am I in the wrong place in SKS?

on Apr 05, 2024

From what is see the bottom frame image is at 272 x 68. Try those that have XXX x 22. Vertically shorter

This was original Tried on Lightstar's Sectors.

Change the bottom frame with something shorter.


Thank you,

Stardock Community Assistant

on Apr 05, 2024

Can't Stardock do something to fix that issue Basj? Limiting the height of that bottom image totally destroys creativity.

on Apr 05, 2024

That's a workaround, not the solution and it ruins the design of most skins.

The problem is a setting somewhere - or how can this in the screenshot below be explained?

on Apr 05, 2024

I merely just sharing my finding. Not giving a solution nor workaround. As for asking Support to look at this issue. I have forwarded your problem/question to Stardock Support Team for their assistance. Please keep an eye on this thread for any updates. We appreciate your feedback and patience.

Stardock Community Assistant

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